Monday, 10 August 2015

A Book About Slow Living and Another Eco Purchase

My second parcel arrived last week (the first being the sodium percarbonate as in the eco cleaning post).
There has been general moaning around here of there not being enough plastic containers to pack lunches (yay, I'm winning). So to satisfy those who have to pack lunches I searched for some stainless steel lunch containers.

I have ended up buying them from Amazon($50/set including postage), which made them still cheaper than NZ's Fishpond . I had looked around the shops and couldn't find them anywhere. I think they are expensive but they will last forever, so long as nobody loses them. They are not watertight, having no seals, but perfect for salads and such. 

When I saw saw "Don't Just Do Something, Sit There" by NZ author Wallace Chapman, on the library shelf, it called me over.

Billed as a manifesto for living the slow life, if it taught me nothing new, I thought it would validate my lifestyle.

Early on Wallace Chapman (a tv personality, columnist and broadcaster) states "It's worth pointing out that living the slow life might not leave you with more time on your hands" Tick - he got that right.
What he points to throughout the book is how slowing down and simplifying life can be so enriching. 

Wallace Chapman's five principles that underpin slow living, which I abbreviate here, are
Holistic View - the connectedness between mind and body

Elegant Simplicity - Having enough to be fulfilled while avoiding waste and excess. It's about valuing quality over quantity.

Savouring - This is about fully engaging with your experiences in ways that are enjoyable and life enhancing. Enjoying the sun on your face at lunchtime. Watching the waves break over the shore on a chilly beach.

Distinctive and Tailored - it values the bespoke and handmade over the mass-produced and champions the authenticity of interpersonal relations.

Environmentally Sustainable - environmentalism is a far wider issue than slow living, yet goes to the heart of the international slow movement. 

Lots of interesting stuff in this book, well worth picking it up.
I must point out that I am not being paid to endorse products - just spreading the good news about books and products that work for me.


  1. The lunch containers look very elegant, kind of like the Japanese boxes. I used to carry glass containers when I took my lunch to school but they did get heavy and this is an excellent solution. Expensive, though!

    1. I think the containers were $21 US per set, plus p and p in the States, which is probably still expensive, but will last forever (hopefully).

  2. Thanks for posting this info. I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. I can't wait to read lots of your posts. Green living


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