Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Easter, Waiheke Island

It was beautiful weather here over Easter. The days were hot and the beaches crowded on Waiheke Island where we went to catch the Jazz Festival. Not bad for Autumn.
Just a few more mailbox pics, as Waiheke has the greatest selection of arty letterboxes of anywhere I have seen.

Not so easy to see, but it has plants growing on top

We came home with a carload of "stuff" from Waiheke, including a bag of seaweed for the garden and these two items that we found dumped on a side road.

The winch will replace the one on our boat trailer - being of superior quality, and the frame, which came with hinges attached, was originally the canopy of a swing seat we think. It will be put to use as a wall-attached drying frame. It annoys us to find people have dumped things carelessly in such a beautiful place.

As an aside, I recently came across these clips of the motion picture about a beachcomber on the Cornwall Coast, which if, like me, you love that kind of thing, you might find interesting - The Wrecking Season, part one and The Wrecking Season, part two

As a follow up to my earlier post about Turmeric Bombs, I have been unable to take the therapeutic dose of turmeric, due to the somewhat laxative effect of the coconut oil, so today I will be making Turmeric and Honey Jellies - little jubes, to see if that will work. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. I love the creative mailboxes. My favorite is the little driftwood house as it reminds me of things my dad made from beach wood. Those were great roadside finds for you but too bad people just dump useful things on the road. The state I'm living in now, South Carolina, and especially this county I live in are just a mess from the trash people throw from their cars -- including big things like beds, couches, and just about any other thing you could think of. And they do it within half a mile of the trash station where you can dump anything for free! The stuff sits there forever, too, and no one cleans it up. We are watching a mattress that has now been there 6 months through all kinds of weather to see if it ever is cleaned up.
    Yesterday I picked up a large new bag of organic fertilizer with the price tag on it, $9. A couple weeks ago I picked up several yards of new batting I use to make pot holders and I had just run out. These were from the dump, though, not the roadside. I just love finding free stuff!


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