Thursday 13 March 2014

Party Shots

In previous posts I wrote about the preparations we were making for a big party at home, and how we wanted to make it as environmentally friendly as I felt able to manage. Well at clean-up, after taking lots to the recycling and returning hired gear, we were left with only one full rubbish bag, and half of that was from before the party. Considering we catered for over 100 people, that's not too bad I suppose.
I used an ugly old fridge that we had been meaning to send to the dump for a drinks chiller (dressed up, of course).


After - on the day it was dressed up with fernery, full of ice and bottles, and had a sun umbrella

My niece's wedding a couple of weeks before the party was the source of a dozen white paper lanterns, which were then unwanted, so they made the dining area in the garage festive.

Still getting set up.

We ended up hiring half of the plates, with the guests washing their own as part of the plan - I don't think they minded.

The birthday cake was made to resemble a pile of old leather bound books. It was completed at 4am on the day of the party - when I couldn't get back to sleep, so thought I might as well do something useful.

Birthday cake to resemble a pile of leather bound books

It might not look like a bought one, but it didn't cost $200+ either - and it was really delicious. It was a carrot cake, a recipe that I had never made before. I just googled "never-fail carrot cake" - I will put the recipe in a following blog.
And a picture of the band...that's the party boy on bass, and me on sax.

The band - me 'n' the boys

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